Got home and headed up to Park City to check out Sundance Film Festival. We got side tracked at the Park City Mountain Resort snowboard halfpipe competition. I have never seen a full size halfpipe! I couldn't believe how massive it was! 30 Seconds to Mars put on a free concert after the competition. After the concert they announced who the official halfpipe snowboarding team was for the olympics. Talk about a crazy day and crazy night. We didn't get home til 2 in the morning!
Children's Museum of Cleveland was the start of a long day. The dinosaur dig was awesome! It was pretty cool having Aiden teach me the difference between a taradon and a pterodactyl. He also taught Nana why stegosaurus's have plates on their backs and troodon's were very smart because they had a big brains. Crazy what cartoons teach kids nowadays (Dinosaur Train)!
Macie was determined to climb this weird looking step ladder thing. She got stuck halfway up and I had to rescue her.
After the museum we went to Aunt Erin's house one last time so the kids could all play.
Paid a quick visit to Uncle Joe at the Mantua Station Fire Department. The kids were a little worn out at this point and didn't seem to impressed with all the cool fire trucks. I took some black and white pictures for the darkroom and we called it a night.
Another relax day. A warning light turned on in Mom's BMW X5 for the self leveling suspension. Could be something small as a fuse or big as blown shocks/struts. It got the ball rolling for her to get rid of the X5 once and for all. I'll take credit for talking her into the 2009 White Ford Escape she bought that night. Your welcome Uncle Mark, Uncle Matt and anyone else that had to hear nightmare stories of the BMW X5!!
Aiden loved this balloon! You press a button to fill it up with hot air and eventually it floats to the top of the museum.
Nana was still not feeling well from the night before so she sat out the trip to Cleveland Science Center. It was Amie, Erin, Aiden, Macie, Aislinn, Bennett, Caius and myself running around the museum causing havock.
Hung out all day and did a little shopping at Aurora Farms while Mom prepared a turkey dinner. Around 4pm Mom said she didn't feel too well and shortly after that she locked herself in her room for the night. Amie and I finished cooking dinner just in time for the Kovarik's arrival. The kids had a very loud but great time together!
Went to a Family Fun Center and played for a couple hours. Afterwards we cooked a couple of amazing looking cakes in Aiden's new easy bake oven. Who knew a 100 watt light bulb was capable of baking a cake!
Started the day with Caius's baptism. Aunt Kathy and I were lucky enough to be named as Caius's God parents! During the baptism Nana and Aunt Cookie thought it'd be a great idea to have Aiden and Macie participate by sitting next to the lower fountain. It worked for 5 seconds before they started baptizing themselves and quickly turned into Aiden pretending it was some sort of animal water trough.
Disney On Ice was later that same day. Our seats were only 5 or 6 rows back. We all had an awesome time and the 10 dollar bags of cotton candy were amazing! Thank you Nana!
Ended the day at Aunt Erin's house so the kids could play a little. Macie at first wasn't to happy about Amie holding a new baby but she got over it and started giving Caius a little to much oattention.
Arrived at Nana's house around 6pm where a postponed Christmas was waiting. Grandad was also there to spend some time with us before he left the next day.