Children's Museum of Cleveland was the start of a long day. The dinosaur dig was awesome! It was pretty cool having Aiden teach me the difference between a taradon and a pterodactyl. He also taught Nana why stegosaurus's have plates on their backs and troodon's were very smart because they had a big brains. Crazy what cartoons teach kids nowadays (Dinosaur Train)!
Macie was determined to climb this weird looking step ladder thing. She got stuck halfway up and I had to rescue her.
After the museum we went to Aunt Erin's house one last time so the kids could all play.
Paid a quick visit to Uncle Joe at the Mantua Station Fire Department. The kids were a little worn out at this point and didn't seem to impressed with all the cool fire trucks. I took some black and white pictures for the darkroom and we called it a night.
I can't wait to see the pictures! We had a really nice time with all of you!
The final stop on the ole' homestead (Dairy Mart) was a nice end to a full day.
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