Christmas morning at 6:30am! It came and went so fast.
Amie is a "label whore"!!
Christmas morning visit to Grandma Roblyer's house (8-11am). We open more presents, eat breakfast and sit around watching the kids act like goof balls.
Christmas Eve starts at Grandma Stewarts house where we eat, sing, and the kids re-enact the nativity scene. Macie was baby Jesus and Aiden just ran around saying he was a dinosaur and Sharp Tooth was chasing him (Land Before Time).
My wonderful little sister in law.
The night ends with a visit to Grandma Debie's house (Amie's mom). We head home around 9:30pm and get ready for Santa's visit!
Almost forgot to post this one. Funny how Macie is the only one with red eyes in all our pictures. Usually I fix red eyes but this time I thought the picture looked perfect the way it was.
Uncle Evan, Amie & I headed to Las Vegas for a few days over the weekend. We stayed at New York, New York and had an awesome view of the strip. On the first night we mostly just hung out and relaxed.
Started off the second night going to Tournament Of Kings at Excalibur Hotel Casino. Unfortunately this was the only picture we took of it.
Ended the second night at a club made entirely of ice! Walls, tables, chairs, even the cups were made out of ice! We had an area roped off just for us and upgraded to fur coats for the full VIP experience. A truly unforgettable Vegas night!
The last night of the trip was the Nine Inch Nails concert. It was awesome! We ran into Penn from Penn & Teller and I managed to take a blurry picture of him with Evan. Ron Jeremy was 2 or 3 rows behind us and busy talking on his phone so Evan and I decided to leave him alone. Who would have thought those guys liked NIN!?
Got a hotel for the night in Salt Lake City! You can see how much fun Amie was having as we were walking through the craft market toward the Trax station
Riding Trax to the Gateway mall.
Aiden and I stayed outside while Mom and Macie shopped in the stores. Aiden had to run circles around every tree we walked by, each tree was a 5 minute session.
On the way to see the lights at Temple Square.
Aiden has had enough.
The pool and hot tub were perfect after walking in the cold all night.
Our view was awesome!
Aiden asked if he could have yellow candy like Macie. I had no idea what he was talking about until I turned around and saw Macie chowing down on a bar of hotel soap. What a classic way to end the night!!